The 2nd official trailer, Dragon Quest X released

The second official trailer, Dragon Quest :X - Rise of five tribes released by Square Enix. The action-packed trailer includes everything 

The Dragon Quest game online will release on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch and will be live from September 15 in Japan

The Dragon Quest X online all-in-one package versions 1-6 will be released on October 20 in Japan for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch 

The Dragon Quest X: A Rise Of Five Tribes Offline Will, As It Online Version Only Remain In Japan

Square Enix has described the process of treasure hunting and the process to deal with the monsters 

First, you have to activate the fortune hunter to find the directions in which the treasure is located and for that, you have to follow the given arrow.

One the monster indicates that it is exciting, a treasure version activated by the Fortune Finder

The world of Draconia consists of several islands, each with its unique character.