5 Reasons


Not all games offer educational value and can have drawbacks. Select entertaining and educational games to keep your mind relaxed and fresh in your free time.

1. Select Age Appropriate Games

Choose games according to the age group and understanding level of your child. The students who engage in educational gaming can improve their problem-solving skills

2. Balance Is Key

Games can make learning practical world skills more engaging. A good mix of educational skills and creative games helps to keep your child fresh and energetic.

3. Involvement 

Parents' involvement with their children is necessary, this gives you a chance to understand their likes and dislikes. You can also guide them while monitoring the contents.

4. Time Limit

Limit the time spent gaming to confirm it does not affect the other daily essential activities like; outdoor play and classwork

5. Observe And Review 

Don't forget to review your child's performance and well-being to cross-check the impact of gaming. This adjustment is necessary for both of you.

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