09 Proven Tips To Get Google Adsense Approval Fast

You will find the best tips to get fast Google Adsense Approval tips by the end of this story 

1. The content should be high quality and it can provide valuable information to the readers

2. Publish at least 25-30 unique posts before applying for the Google Adsense approval

3. Don'forget to create a Privacy policy, About us, and Contact us pages

4. The header bar, footer bar, menu bar, and sidebar should be well organized and the theme should be simple and lightweight 

5. Avoid copyright contents and images to make a good impression on Google algorithms 

6. The unique article should be a minimum of 1000 words to cover in-depth Information about the article

7. Try to check plagiarism at once before applying for Adsense approval 

8. Index your website in Google Analytics, it will get easier for Google crawler to find it

9. Don't apply for another ad monetization while applying for Google Adsense approval

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