What To Do With Rs. 2000 Currency?

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By: Technical Vision

The RBI announced the withdrawal of Rs. 2000 currency notes from the market under the clean note policy. You can deposit or get exchanged by September 30, 2023

The main purpose of the clean note policy is to circulate good quality currency and coins to the citizens of India.

Rs. 2000 currency notes were introduced by RBI in 2016 and now RBI is going to withdraw the Rs. 2000 notes from the market.

How To Exchange?

Citizens can deposit Rs. 2000 currency notes at any branch or they can exchange the notes by September 30, 2023

The citizens can exchange only 10 notes up to an exchange limit of Rs. 20000 at a time at any branch.

The RBI has given instructions to stop issuing Rs. 2000 notes to all the banks. But, Rs. 2000 notes will continue to be legal tender, as announced by RBI.

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