WhatsApp: Beware of free UK Visa fraud


WhatsApp is the most common application used by billions of people in the world on daily basis.

Many people complained of receiving various types of  phishing scams by scammers.

The new fraud makers have used WhatsApp and started to share the message stating: that 1,32,000 workers are needed in the UK.

The fraud text message states that the message was sent to the user from the Government of the UK.

The scammers have also added a similar fraudulent link in the message that redirected to a similar website of the UK immigration website.

The hackers have been trying to collect personal details such as; Names, Mobile no, and Email addresses.

On clicking the message, the user is taken to a fraudulent website where fake immigration details are provided.

If you receive such a message, then WhatsApp allows the user to allow report or block the sender.