Everything About World Of Warcraft

Pic: Kaspersky

World of Warcraft game remained the most successful MMORPG game for more than 18 years in gaming history.

Pic: Blizzard Entertainment 

The company decided to make MMO for delivering a much better gaming experience to the gamers and the game "World Of Warcraft" has been launched.

Blizzard Entertainment's team was already working on the ideas for MMOs and the game was in the pre-release phase during 1998-2004

Blizzard Entertainment has released the World Of Warcraft game on November 2004 in North America and Australia.

The initial response was great and gamers were excited to play because they loved the ideas of WoW. The company even received awards.

There are more than 100 million accounts worldwide and it is played in more than 220 countries in the world.

Paul Walker and Vin Diesel played WoW together. The game has a lot of clones like Runs of Magic, World of Fight, and many more.